Friday, November 5, 2010

10 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

When a person is bored or uninterested, certain tasks and projects can seem like torture! This feeling usually leads to procrastination, and procrastination often leads to guilt. Here are some practical ways to avoid these situations and overcome procrastination:

1. Recharge Daily
Be sure to get enough sleep and rest each day so that you have the necessary energy you need to accomplish your tasks.

2. Get a Friend Involved
It's harder to procrastinate when another person is involved. If you have a task you aren't looking forward to, invite a friend over to help you out. If you have errands to run, find a buddy who you can run errands with.

3. Reward Yourself
You're much more likely to complete that boring task if there is a dinner out or a new CD waiting for you when (and only when) the task is complete.

4. Do Things in Pieces
Procrastination often comes from feelings of overwhelm. Break tasks, even small ones, into steps so that they are manageable and provide you with a sense of direction.

5. Use Music
Turn on some fun and upbeat music and let it pump you up! 80s music and show tunes are often great pick-me-ups that will give you needed energy to tackle your tasks.

6. Don't Be Afraid to do 2 Things at Once
Don't be afraid to balance routine or monotonous tasks with something that is more likely to hold your interest. You can pay bills while you watch TV, or talk on the phone while cleaning up the house.

7. Delegate
Do you find yourself procrastinating on chores at home like cleaning and laundry? Or maybe paperwork at the office? Delegate them! Kids, cleaning people, laundry services, administrative assistants and more are all available to take some of those boring tasks off your list and free up your time for the stuff you'd rather be doing.

8. Prioritize
Perhaps you're procrastinating on a task because it's really not that important. Maybe you'd love to re-organize your book shelves, but never get around to it. If it sounds like a good idea but in the end it's really not that important to you, don't let it hang over your head.

9. Get in Touch with the End Result
Before you begin a task or project that has high procrastination potential, get in touch with the outcome. When the task is finished, what will that mean to you? What will be better in life as a result?

10. Just Do It!!
Don't think about it too much, just jump in and get it done!

Are you struggling to reduce body fat? Click below to sign up for my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program to see how you can reach your goals .

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Being Fit is a Gift to Others

Last week, a friend of mine was telling me about her 2 aunts. Both are about 60 years old. One aunt has always been athletic and fit and the other has always been sedentary. Now, at 60, the fit aunt is still active and the sedentary aunt is still sedentary – only she has trouble standing up from a chair!

After my friend told this story, I kept thinking about how much more fun the fit aunt must be to her family and friends than the sedentary one.

I feel that, although we think we do it for ourselves, being fit and healthy is a gift to our family, friends and the community in which we live. This is true in so many ways. Here's just a few of them.

For our Family:

For our spouses, we give them the gift of being paired with someone who looks good and feels good. Waking up everyday next to someone who has the energy and spirit to embrace the day is life enriching.

Does the "looks good" comment sound superficial? Think about this. How does it feel to be at a social function and know that the man or woman across the room receiving "attention" from people his/her own age (or even younger) is the person that chooses to be with you everyday? It feels good doesn't it? This feeling is a gift to our spouse.

Superficialities aside, we give our spouses many other gifts by being fit. Better sex and love making is a very important one! Fit people have more strength, endurance, energy and better blood flow. All these contribute to better sex…. Not to mention feeling good about our own body helps us to be freer with our partners.

By being fit and healthy, we increase our spouse's confidence in having a long and active life with us. A wonderful gift indeed!

For our children, we give them the gift of healthy, active parents. Having fit parents is predictive of our children being fit themselves. We give them the gift of being more patient and helpful to them because we have the physical resources to do so. We give them the freedom from worry that we will require hospice care while they are still young adults raising their own kids.

For our grandkids, we give them the gift of being able to play with them - I mean really play with them. How proud will they be to have such "cool" grandparents? We show them how important fitness is to living long, active and fun lives.

For our sisters and brothers, we give them the gift of being loved by someone who respects themselves enough to take extra good care of their body.

For Our Friends:

We give them the gift of having lots of energy for them. Cultivating good friendships on top of meeting family obligations requires energy – and being fit gives us the energy and health to "go the extra distance" with our friends at middle age and later in life.

For Our Community:

We remain healthier longer and don't place a burden on the health system. We remain productive, enthusiastic members of the workforce longer. After retirement, we have time and energy to volunteer our services and skills for worthy causes. We help younger people see and feel that aging is not something to be afraid of. We are able to help those who need us.

For Our world:

Every workout, every nutritious meal, every full night's sleep and every other way we take care our bodies is a gift to someone else. It's not about being selfish. It's about keeping the body healthy so that the mind and spirit can contribute to the lives of others better and longer.

Are you struggling to reduce body fat? Click below to sign up for my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program to see how you can reach your goals .

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is Cardio Working for You???

Cardio exercise is such a strange thing. In theory, it should work so perfectly well for all men and women, but as anyone who has tried it knows, the practicality of it just doesn't add up.

Most of people who work in a cardio program do seven, ten or more hours per week, and still have fat in their waist to burn for a long time. But there are other people who look great with the same or with even a smaller lapse of time. Some researchers in Great Britain went insight into this paradox, and studied 35 overweight men and women, who weren't previously exercising.

The subjects exercised for 12 weeks, 5 times per week. That's a lot of exercise and it helped the subjects lose an average of 8.2 pounds, but it worked better in young men, who need the help the least!

If we analyse the results we'll find some surprises. The best subject lost 32.3 pounds in 12 weeks, but the worst subject actually gained 3.74 pounds. That's an immense variance in fat loss terms.

So, these were not good news for the scientists. At least not for the ones that wanted to go home. They discovered there were 2 groups of people, they called them "compensators" and "non-compensators". The first ones were hungrier and consumed extra calories every day, whiping the slate clean in cardio results terms. So, they lost just small amounts of weight.

Does your appetite increase when you do slow cardio? If it does, research shows it will ruin your cardio efforts. So if your cardio program is not working for you, check your appetite and calorie intake to see if you are "compensating" for your efforts. If you are, you might be better off using a program of high-intensity resistance and interval training (i.e. Turbulence Training) for your weight loss efforts.

The research of a professor in Australia (Professor Steve Boucher) has show that interval training increases hormones called catecholamines. If that hormone increases, causes fat-burning benefits like reducing appetite, among others.

In the real world, few people lose 33 pounds after 12 weeks of cardio. Heck, few even achieve an average weight loss of 8 pounds with aerobic exercise.

What you have to do is check your appetite, and consider giving high-intensity exercise a go for your next workout program. Beat the curse of cardio with high-intensity training.

Are you struggling to reduce body fat? Click below to sign up for my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program to see how you can reach your goals .

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fat Free Doesn't Always Mean Fat Free

The amounts of foods labeled fat free have infiltrated the market at every turn. Fat-free cheese, fat-free chocolate, fat-free ice cream, fat-free dinner entrees and other foods labeled fat-free have become regularly stocked merchandise in stores. These foods are indeed better for you. However, consuming these foods does not always result in a fat-free body.

The reason why is people believe that these foods are fatfree is because it says on these food labels fatfree and it even says; 0 grams of fat on the nutrition label on the back of the package. However, this does not always mean that the item is fatfree. This is because the fatfree label may not necessarily represent all the kinds of fat that are in a food.

This does not mean that all foods that say they are fat free are not completely fat free. It just means that you have to watch very closely on each food label to see exactly what fat has been removed from the food so you know exactly what to expect when you eat it. You also need to be aware of the types of fat that are contained in food as well.

The different types of fat that people take into their bodies include trans fat, poly and monounsaturated fats and saturated fats. Saturated fats and trans fats and are the ones that are most used to fry foods and/or to increase the shelf lives of foods. These are the ones that are most likely to cause high cholesterol and to clog a persons arteries. These types of fats are found in a variety of foods.

Saturated fats are found in most meats, dairy foods, and eggs. They can also be found in certain oils such as coconut, palm, and kernel oil. These are the types of fats that are solid at room temperatures.

Trans fats are fats that have been made into a solid or a partial solid. Therefore, even though trans fats are considered unsaturated they have become a concern because they have a similar function as the saturated fats in many cases. As stated earlier they have the potential to raise a persons cholesterol level and to clog the arteries.

Any foods that have the ingredient; partially hydrogenated cooking oil or hydrogenated cooking oil are considered to contain trans fat. These should be eaten in very small doses. If not, these food substances can become harmful to ones health. Some types of foods that trans fat include crackers, cookies, snack chips, and fried chicken. It is also included in ingredients such as shortening, lard, butter, or hard margarine.

Trans fat is one source of fat, which until recent years, had not been included on food labels that say fat-free. This is one reason why food labels that say fat free might not necessarily be fat free. Therefore, be careful when reading fatfree food labels. You want to make sure that it says; 0 grams of trans fat and 0 grams of saturated fat, before you purchase the fat free item.

One other aspect of fat-free that you will need to consider is that carbohydrates that are not used up by the body turn into fat as well. Therefore, even though a food item says fat free on the package you still need to eat it in moderation.

One example of a fat free food that many people eat is pretzels. You cannot eat a whole bag of pretzels and expect to lose weight. The reason why is that pretzels may contain a high carbohydrate count. The more carbs you take in the more chance you have of having these carbohydrates turn into fat. This is perhaps one of the most important points to remember when choosing fat free foods and incorporating them into your diet.

Choosing to eat fat free versions of most foods can be very beneficial to you. The point is, however, to make sure that you remember also to eat a balanced diet. Not only that, but you need to have an exercise plan. Even if you eat less food you may not lose as much weight as you want to lose if you do not exercise.

For the best results, you will want to incorporate a balanced diet that gives you the nutrients you need from day to day. That means that you should have a specific amount of grains, meats, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and fats in your diet (the amounts of each vary depending upon which diet you follow). This along with a regular exercise regiment that helps you burn fat will benefit you the most.

If you follow through daily on a regular diet and exercise plan you are likely to lose weight and keep it off. In this case, fat free foods will benefit you and help you stick to your healthy lifestyle.

Are you struggling to reduce body fat? Click below to sign up for my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program to see how you can reach your goals .

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Monday, November 1, 2010

Becoming a Success Story

Have seen those amazing body transformation success stories in the magazines?

You ask yourself, are these people for real? Did they really do that in 12 weeks? HOW did they do that in 12 weeks?

I will tell you exactly how those ultimate body transformation success stories are so successful, and this information dips well below the basic dieting and exercise information.

When most people venture onto a body transformation goal they outline the prefect plan and start it full force at the beginning of the week. They are die-hard, and by the middle of the second week they have usually burned out.

Sound familiar?

If your body transformation program fizzles out before you get it started, these 11 steps will be a great help and give you the advantage on your next body transformation journey.

Step #1 – The Primary Rule

Before you even get started with your body transformation challenge you need to set the primary rule, which is to set goals. If your body transformation process entails 12 weeks, break your goals down into a few short-term goals and one long-term goal. If you fail to take advantage of the primary rule, you may as well stop now.

Step #2 – The Closing Date

Along with writing out your goals you need to end your plan with a deadline. Everyone has a starting date, but very few write down a closing date, the actual date they plan to finish their program. If you don't give yourself a deadline to attain your goals you won't finish your program and you won't be a body transformation success.

Step #3 – Scheme of Combat

After you get your goals set in stone with a deadline in place you need to create a plan of action. This plan is the course you must take each day to ensure daily success that will take you to your ultimate goal.

An example of a coordinated plan is to write out exactly what you will do each day to make each day successful, such as eating 6 meals a day, drinking a gallon of water, working out, etc.

In your starting notes, jot down your scale weight, body fat percentage, body measurements, and take pictures of yourself from 4 different views (front, back, and each side).

Step #4 – Dedicate and Commit

Once you have all your ducks lined up, start your plan of action. Put it into full effect Monday morning. Follow it as outlined each day. Make your plan of action a part of your daily life.

Keep in mind that just because you have goals set and written, an action plan, and started your new transformation journey doesn't guarantee success. If you want to be a transformation success you have to stay dedicated to your plan of action.

This dedication isn't an on and off relationship, it's the whole kit-n-caboodle. You start fresh Monday morning and follow through each day 100%, no swaying, no cheats, just pure dedication and commitment. It's only 12 weeks.

Step #5 – Sneak a Quick Peek

After your first two weeks on your transformation program take your stats to see what changes have occurred. Is there a change in weight and/or body fat percentage? Have your measurements changed? Can you see visual changes in the mirror and how your clothes fit?

Note any changes, good or bad, and use that as information to tweak your program to keep you moving in the direction you want to go.

Step #6 – 30 Day Photo Shoot

After a full month of staying 100% dedicated to your plan of action take some more full body pictures of all 4 angels (front, back, and each side).

These 30 days updated pictures are ammunition to better tweak your program. Put them side-by-side to your starting pictures. Note any physical visual changes.

Step #7 – One Month Evaluation

Also, at your 30 day photo shoot, evaluate your one-month's progress. Check your weight and body fat percentage and measurements again. Note any changes.

After one month of being fully dedicated to your program you should have stat numbers and photos that give you good insight on how well you are doing on your program.

If everything is going according to your plan, then keep on that same course of action. If you are not transforming you need to modify and make changes to your diet or cardio.

Step #8 – If It Is Not Broken, Don't Fix It

A big mistake many people make when doing a transformation challenge is they "tweak" every few days if the scale is not showing them the number they want to see. Tweak your plan only when it's necessary. A tweak is a small change, not an overhaul of your program.

Step #9 – Excuse Me

If you want to be a transformation success story, stop making excuses such as "I cheated because it was my birthday," "I had to attend a luncheon," "my kids have (fill in blank) practice," "I went out and had a few drinks," etc.

These excuses are just that, excuses, and excuses are the path to nowhere. If you want to be a transformation success story, stop the excuses and just do what is required.

Step #10 – Can the Self Trash-Talk

NEVER talk or think about yourself in a negative sense. If you refer to yourself or pictures as "fat," fat butt," "fat a$" that's what you will become. No successful bodybuilder, figure or fitness competitor, or transformation success story refers to themselves as fat. They only visualize themselves in the shape they want to be in, and speak of themselves in a positive frame of mind.

You can absolutely alter your thinking to produce the results you want, but you have to think and speak in positive terms. Hoping for a fit body but thinking and speaking negatively is worthless.

Your mind is a powerful tool so use it to your advantage!

Step #11 - Repeat

Repeat steps 4-10 every thirty days until you reach your deadline or ultimate goal.


It's not enough to just want to transform your body, you have to have a passion for it. You have to have determination. You have to do what it takes even if you don't feel like it. Successes always go that extra mile to be their best.

Do what it takes every day and follow through on your program 100% every day you will be the one shining in the spotlight of victory.

Are you struggling to reduce body fat? Click below to sign up for my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program to see how you can reach your goals .

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Friday, October 29, 2010

Weight Loss Tricks

This is a great article I read last night and wanted to share it with you all today:

Losing weight is about simple, common sense direction – and hope. A simple plan that works for you and hope that you can shed those layers and keep them off – not for the short sprint of a few weeks or months, but forever.

Losing weight is not about counting, measuring, fussing, starving, sneaking, or guilting. And it’s certainly not about depriving and proclaiming that you’re never going to eat your food faves ever, ever, ever again. Let’s get real – that’s not going to happen so why go there? Be reasonable with yourself.

Forget about what you’re going to “have to” give up. Think about what you “get to” add to your day. And that’s the first rule. Here are all three.

Rule 1: Add

Rule 2: Stop

Rule 3: Wiggle!

Sounds like a fun, new dance, doesn’t it? Add, Stop, And Wiggle! Well, a dance it is – especially when you wiggle into those pants calling to you from your closet.

Try these three rules on for that smaller size:

1. Add and fill up on the best-for-you foods first. The best-for-you foods: whole, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and beans.

- Breakfast: play around on with grazing on fruit all morning. Eat enough to fill you up – yes, more than one banana (if you don’t fill up on that morning pick-me-up and drop-me-down).

- Lunch: dive into a large green-leafy vegetable salad with 10 different vegetables (lettuce, spinach, sprouts, carrots, tomatoes, red or green cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, radishes, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, avocado…whatever you like). Eat enough to fill you up. Dressing: water-based with no oil, no dairy.

- Dinner: eat in order – first salad, second steamed vegetables, third a more filling vegetable, like potatoes, yams, or winter squash. Then add one of your old-time favorites if you still have a hankering for it. Tricky, huh? You’ll automatically eat less of those not-so-good-for-you foods that sabotage weight loss and those good feelings about that special person - you.

- Snacks: fruit, cut up vegetables, and raw, unsalted nuts and seeds.

- Beverages: water and homemade fruit and vegetable juices.

2. Stop eating when your brain says you’re full – before your stomach begs for mercy. Yes, tough to do, but it gets easier with awareness and practice. Remember, your garbage disposal is replaceable – you are not.

3. Wiggle! Give yourself wiggle room – we all need that. Follow the 80/20 Rule. 80% of the time, follow the three rules. 20% of the time, eat what you want. No biggie. Just be sure you don’t wiggle too much – it shows.

So there you have it – Add, Stop, and Wiggle your way to those pants and feeling good about you.

Is there more to it? Yes, but we have to start somewhere so why not start by playing to that catchy new tune of: Add, Stop, and Wiggle.

So today, load up on those fresh fruits for breakfast, great big salad for lunch, and veggies first for dinner, and wiggle your way into those pants.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer, author of the weight-loss book, “Getting Into Your Pants,” is a chiropractor, speaker and expert in weight loss, diet and nutrition.

Are you struggling to reduce body fat? Click below to sign up for my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program to see how you can reach your goals .

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reading the Nutritional Label

If you are like most people then you probably glance at the Nutrition Facts label on foods once in a while. Maybe you check for the number of calories or fat grams that an item contains, or maybe you are watching something specific - like your sodium intake. Whatever the case, it has been proven that those who pay attention to the Nutrition Facts label end up eating healthier.

The more familiar you are with the Nutritional Facts Label, the more likely you will be fit and healthy.

Each Nutritional Facts label has been designed to quickly and efficiently give you all of the important facts about a food item. You just need to know what you are looking for. Read on as we break down the Nutritional Facts label into 6 important facts.

Fact #1: Serving Size
This small detail skews the entire label if you don't read it closely. An item may seem like it is only one serving, but the Nutritional Facts label will consider it to be 2 or 3 servings. If the label says 100 calories, but there are actually 3 servings, then you are getting a total of 300 calories. Pay close attention to what makes a serving.

Fact #2: Calories
Most people don't have the time to count every calorie that they put in their mouth - this is understandable. However, you probably have a pretty good idea about the amount of food that you eat each day. When you approach a new item, read the calorie totals on the Nutritional Facts label, and factor the new calories into your daily intake. Steer clear of high calorie items - especially in the form of snack foods.

Fact #3: Fat
By now you have undoubtedly heard that all fats were not created equal. Here is a quick 1-2-3 breakdown.

1. Limit your intake of Saturated Fats - this deadly fat contributes to heart disease.

2. Avoid Trans Fats at all costs - not only does it contribute to heart disease, it also raises LDL cholesterol (the bad one).

3. Focus on eating monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats - these don't raise LDL cholesterol and can even help lower blood cholesterol.

As you decide what food to include in your diet, keep your eye on the type and amount of fat included in each item. Remember, all fats were not created equal.

Fact #4: Carbohydrate
Though zero carb diets are losing their momentum, you may have been influenced by the idea that all carbohydrates will make you fat. That is simply not true. It is true, however that some carbohydrates are healthier than others. In fact, medical experts think that excess consumption of refined carbohydrates (such as soda pop, white rice, and white flour) are one of the reasons behind the rise of obesity we see today.

Choose fibrous, complex carbohydrates over sugary, simple carbohydrates.

Fact #5: Protein
The fact stands that most of us are getting plenty of protein in our diet. The problem arises when we examine the source of this protein. Meats and dairy products that are high full of fat may be filled with protein, but they aren't the healthiest form of protein. Choose protein from lean meats, dry beans, poultry, and low fat/fat free dairy products.

Fact #6: The Good Stuff
Directly beneath the protein count on the Nutritional Facts label you will see the percent daily value of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron that the food item contains. These numbers are easily overlooked, but hold great importance to your overall health. The more nutrient-rich food items provide you with the greatest benefit per calorie. Compare food brands and choose the most nutrient-rich option.

Are you struggling to reduce body fat? Click below to sign up for my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program to see how you can reach your goals .

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Healthy Shopping Tips

We all know that when we’re doing some grocery shopping, it can be extremely hard to find the right food for your healthy dinner recipes. Here are some tips you can keep in mind the next time you find yourself in the grocery store.

1. Shop in the Natural Health Food section of the supermarket to find better food choices. Always select the organic products whenever they are available.

2. Start in the fresh food section of the supermarket. In fact if you shop around the perimeter of the store you will end up making healthier food choices.

3. Because vegetables lose their vitamins and other nutrients very rapidly, buy only the freshest ones.

4. Quick frozen vegetables can be more nutritious than ‘fresh’ ones that have been on the store shelves for a few days.

5. Stay away from the canned goods whose contents are preserved in brine, oil or syrup. Go with those packed in water, but pay attention to the amount of salt or sodium in them.

6. Learn to read the product labels. Be on the lookout for terms like "hydrogenated" and "partially hydrogenated". The earlier it appears on the list the higher the amount or portion of trans fatty acids there are in the product.

7. Try to buy skinless chicken and turkey. If you do buy one with skin, make sure that you remove the skin prior to cooking. If you are buying beef, only buy the leaner cuts.

8. Since calcium is essential for your body, consume adequate amounts of dairy products or go with calcium-enriched beverages.

9. Keep the sugar content low when selecting products, being especially careful with dairy and drinks.

10. Avoid white flour based products like bread, bagels and spaghetti. Instead introduce in your diet the whole grain versions of these products.

11. Finding healthy snacks can be difficult. Watch out for the partially hydrogenated oils and sugar used in the coatings. There are protein bars and healthy varieties of snacks available in the health food section.

12. Fruits are high in vitamin C. Eat more melons such as cantaloupe if you are trying to lower your calories. Cantaloupe is not only high in vitamin C, but has plenty of beta-carotene that helps defend against diseases such as cancer.

13. For frozen dinners, buy the ones with low cholesterol, sodium and fat.

14. Don't go to the grocery store without a list, or if you are hungry. Being prepared with a list of food items will help guarantee that you’ll end up with more healthy choices than if you buy on the impulses of a growling stomach.

Keep these tips in mind whenever you are shopping for food. Grocery stores are full of healthy products for your dinner recipes; you just need to know which ones they are, and make a conscious effort to avoid the unhealthy ones.

Are you struggling to reduce body fat? Click below to sign up for my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program to see how you can reach your goals .

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Music & Exercise

Starting an exercise program is hard enough, isn't it? No matter what you seem to do or how much you plan, it's never as easy as it looks. However, there are plenty of ways to help make your exercise time fly. One of the most popular ways to help your workout is to add a little music to your exercise plans. Here's what you need to know.

Why add music to your routine?

A lot of people will say that they like the quiet time of exercise, listening to their breathing, and checking their workout times. If you are not one of these folks then you need something to help make working out easier and more fun – like music.

Music helps you take your mind off of how hard your workout might be. For example, when you're off running or lifting weights, music can help you forget about the things that you are thinking about and focus on your favorite songs. This subtle distraction can allow you to focus on working out hard and strong.

When you add music to your workout routine, you can create a soundtrack for your success. Add your favorite inspirational music – think "Chariots of Fire" or the "Rocky" theme – to make you push just a little harder and make it to the end of your workout routine. Whatever music makes you feel strong and powerful, add that to your workout rotation.

How do you add music to your workout?

Before you can add music to your workout, you will want to realize that some preparation time is necessary. What you'll want to do is create compilations (mixes) of your favorite songs beforehand. For those of you that have digital music players, this is quite simple. All you need to do is create a play list by adding your favorite songs to a folder, burning them to CD, or playing them on your player.

What about the tempo of my music?

One of the things that you will want to keep in mind when you're working out is how fast your music is. While you want something that's faster in pace, you don't want to choose anything that's so fast that you can't keep up or you'll over-exert yourself. Some techno music can be a little too fast for light cardio workouts or strength training.

On the other hand you'll want to make sure that you're not including songs that are too slow either. Generally speaking, you will want to start with slower music for your warm up and stretching, then slowly build up the tempo of your music and then bring it back down again for the cool down.

This sounds too difficult

While this does sound time consuming, you can also find recommendations on many fitness sites and in magazines. These lists are already created to help you maintain a certain fitness pace, so they can be very effective. Or you might want to choose musical CDs and tapes that are specifically designed for working out at a certain pace – such as 80 bpm (beats per minute).

Music is the soundtrack to our lives; why not include it as the soundtrack for your workout? When you choose inspiring and fast-paced music, it can actually help you work out longer and harder – give it a try! Select songs that inspire and motivate you!

Are you struggling to reduce body fat? Click below to sign up for my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program to see how you can reach your goals .

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why Should You Warm Up?

Warm-ups help to reduce friction to joints and help to extend muscles. In doing this it is made possible to avoid injury and also discomfort and muscle soreness. If you push yourself too hard, you will still suffer from discomfort the next day. Warm-ups are not your free pass from exercise discomfort. It helps in reducing the chances of sprains while helping your body adjust to the demands from your exercise.

As you exercise your internal temperature will rise. If you do warm-ups prior to exercising your body will slowly raise in temperature as opposed to rising at an elevated rate, which can cause dizziness and possibly fainting. For the fullest most beneficial workout it is vital to warm-up prior to your workout.

Warm-ups are done to ease your body into the exercise routine. Thus, you are warming up your body. This is very similar to cooking in an oven. Using the analogy of warming up the oven before baking a cake, the same mindset applies to workouts: Warm up your muscles before working out. Gradually increasing your body temperature will give your muscles the chance to slowly dilate and increase blood flow through them with minimal if any discomfort the following day.

Warm-ups help to up your metabolic rate and your heart rate, while benefiting your respiratory system's ability. In doing this your body is able to better adjust to the workout you are preparing for. Joints will have reduced friction and this helps to lessen chances of sprains for demanding exercises.

The most crucial thing to note is that you should take good care of your muscles and joints as well as your cardiovascular system. This way, you can be sure that you will hit your peak performance with less risk of injury or sprains.

Warm-ups should not be fast and furious. They are done in order to slowly prepare your body for a more vigorous workout. A session lasting approximately 15 minutes is adequate. Begin with some stretches of the muscles that you will be using. If running is the preferred exercise, begin by walking before upping it to a jog before you run. A demanding exercise routine should be eased into.

Should you be playing a sport with the aim of burning calories, you can choose to do the same activity as a warm-up, only at a much lower pace.

Are you struggling to reduce body fat? Click below to sign up for my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program to see how you can reach your goals.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Friday, October 22, 2010

Transformation Video

Bo and I were training this morning and we thought it would be fun to share these two videos. Enjoy!

Bo - Before Video (350lbs)

Bo - After losing 100lbs

Way to go Bo! I am so proud of you. Keep it up my friend.

Having a hard time losing weight?
Try my Online Personal Training 7 Day Free Trial.
Email me for more details.

Train Hard,

Adam Freeman
Master Trainer/Online Fitness Consultant
O2 Fitness/New Life Fitness

Monday, October 18, 2010

In the NEWS - WECT Wilmington

For those who are not local, one of the biggest events for the American Heart Association here in Wilmington, NC was this past weekend. It is called the "Heart Walk" and it was a huge success.

When Bo and I first started our journey, it was all brought together by Kristi Tomey and Ashley Miller who both play a huge part in the Heart Walk, chaired successfully by Louise McColl (one of my other clients). They brought Bo to meet with me and all I needed to do was give him a few pointers and train him once a week for free, ONLY if he documented his journey to motivate and inspire others on his blog.

Well, after sitting down with Bo and seeing the project at hand...all 350 pounds of it, I knew there was no way this guy was going to reach his goals on his own. With multiple attempts in the past and always falling back in to bad habits, he needed the professional attention. So, I decided to train him 3 days a week until he reached his goal of 220 pounds and I am pleased to say....well, I will just let you watch.

Check out Bo in this wonderful highlight on WECT Wilmington!

(NEWS Broadcast)

To watch the raw footage of the interviews from WECT

If you would like to follow Bo Dean's blog or go back and read his amazing journey,

For all of those who have lost someone close to you due to heart disease, please know that with baby steps, you can help make a difference in yours or someone else's life by starting an exercise program. If you can't afford a trainer to meet with you face to face, please know that my online personal training program is a phenomenal step in the right direction. Sign up for your FREE 7 Day Trial today to take that first step.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Trainer/Online Fitness Consultant
O2 Fitness/New Life Fitness

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Truth About Creatine

Creatine is a naturally formed amino acid that is found in the human body, especially around the skeletal muscle. The human body generates Creatine naturally, partly from the diet we take and partly on its own. A healthy person has about 120g of Creatine, most of it being in the form of a compound called PCr. The body can store a maximum Creatine quantity of 0.3 g per one kilogram of body weight. The body produces about 2g of Creatine per day. The chief food sources of Creatine are fish and red meat. Half a pound of raw meat provides about 1g of Creatine for the body. Creatine that does not come from food is produced endogenously by the body from amino acids.

There are several benefits of Creatine. Creatine boosts anaerobic energy in the body. It provides instant energy to the body. It improves muscle strength and makes the muscle suitable for high-intensity, short duration exertion like weightlifting or sprinting. It is also found to speed up the recovery of energy. It delays fatigue significantly. It promotes lean-muscle mass and reduces muscle wasting in post-surgical patients. It is also believed to help heart patients by increasing their exercise capacity, reducing heart spasms and thus increasing heart function. Creatine is generally taken as a supplement by athletes who need heavy bursts of energy. Creatine acts as a catalyst to a special chemical reaction that occurs in the body when a person does high-intensity, short duration work. The body generates enough Creatine to accommodate such kind of a reaction. For additional exertion, Creatine has to be taken additionally through food or through other forms.

Creatine has become very popular among athletes because of its many benefits and very few side effects. The only side effect documented till now is weight gain. However, overdose of Creatine or use of Creatine over a long period of time may have some other side effects also, and tests are still being conducted to determine the effect of using Creatine in the long run. Creatine is available as a supplement like vitamin pills in the form of over-the-counter drugs. Creatine is categorized as a "dietary supplement" and can be purchased even without a prescription as per the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. Then again, Creatine is not tested by the American FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and certain side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, and deep vein thromboses have been listed under a 1998 FDA report.

There are several Creatine supplement products in the market today. Creatine is available in capsule, chewable and powdered forms. One teaspoon of the powdered form contains 5g of Creatine monohydrate. The recommended dosage is 1-2 teaspoons with 8 ounces of water per day. Nevertheless, the dosage can vary depending on the body exertion. Athletes usually follow a dosage cycle comprising of loading and maintenance phases.

Do you want Guaranteed Results?? Try my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program, click below.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Quick Weight Loss is a Short Term Fix

Serious weight loss requires a strong and realistic mental approach, it's no good thinking that you can jump straight in, starve yourself for a month and come out the other end looking like Jessica Alba. It is no good starting a diet
with the solitary goal of losing weight quickly, and in any case, it is very easy to achieve quick weight loss, well for the first two to three weeks anyway.

Most people do not know or have chosen to ignore the fact that weight loss is in fact a long term lifestyle change rather than a quick weight loss competition and in order to achieve the best long term results, a concerted effort must be made to change the two factors that affect your weight.

1. Diet:
You are what you eat. If you eat nothing but food drenched in fat inevitably you will be fat, unless, of course, you were born with an unbelievably high metabolic rate, in which case you will be the envy of every woman in the world!

There are hundreds of weight loss plans and diets for sale that promise quick weight loss and I will let you in on a little secret about them, they ALL work! Every diet or weight loss plan that promises quick weight loss is designed to do just what it says, but here's the catch, that is all they will do. There is no continued weight loss after an initial period, only an immediate bodily reaction to a reduced intake of calories.

They all work in the same way, they all reduce drastically the amount of calories the body was consuming before the diet was started. The body takes two to three weeks to adapt to burning calories at the new lower level and during that time it has continued to burn the calories at the older, higher rate, hence great and sometimes astonishingly quick weight loss.

The only way to achieve long term weight loss is to change the foods that you eat and the way that you eat them.

2. Exercise:
Forget the idea that cutting out fat alone and dieting hard will get you the results you crave, to achieve permanent lasting weight loss exercise is key. One of the best forms of exercise that increases metabolic burn is weight training.

The common belief is that weight training is for men and that women will lose their femininity by working out with weights, nothing could be farther from the truth. Women's muscles don't grow in the same way as men’s do because of the lack of the male hormone testosterone; not only that, but we all tend to see images of female bodybuilders in our heads rather than the aforementioned Jessica Alba why? Most of the female celebrities we see on the big screen or on the TV work out with weights, and the reason is that they are the most effective method of controlling weight through exercise.

The better physical shape you are in the better you will burn fat and the healthier you will be. Your sleep will improve as will your stamina, immune system and most importantly to many women, the tone and condition of your skin!

There are quick weight loss plans however that are designed to help people lose weight quickly initially and then steadily until you reach your desired goal. They use methods that fool the body into burning more calories than the body has ingested.

Do you want Guaranteed Results?? Try my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program, click below.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Monday, October 11, 2010

Obstacles Are Nothing More Than Illusions

An illusion is an erroneous perception of reality or an erroneous concept or belief. An optical illusion is an optical phenomenon that results in a false or deceptive visual impression. Optical illusions are a lot like what I call, "obstacle illusions."

For example, when you look down railroad tracks, what do you see? The farther down the tracks you look, the closer the two tracks appear to become. Despite the fact they appear to touch at one point, we all know that in actuality, they do not.

Anyone who is not convinced of this can simply walk down those tracks for awhile and discover for themselves that those tracks do not become physically any closer to each other. It's an optical illusion: a false or deceptive visual impression. It is something we see with our eyes that is really not true to fact.

Now, when I say "obstacle illusion," I mean an obstacle that gives you an erroneous perception of reality. An obstacle is simply something that opposes, or stands in the way, or holds up progress. Far too many people allow obstacles to stop them completely.

Suppose you were on a trip from one city to another and came across some road construction that closed the road you intended to take. Does that obstacle mean that the trip is over? Do you just give up, turn around and go home? If you were to view that obstacle as ending your trip, I would call that an obstacle illusion.

Why? It's because your entire trip doesn't have to end just because of a road closure. You may have to take a detour and go a little out of your way. You may not get there as quickly as you anticipated. You may not get to see the scenery you had hoped to see along the way. However, the trip does not have to be over. You can still get to your destination.

When it comes to life there are many obstacle illusions that just stop people cold in their tracks. A little roadblock pops up and, so often, people quit; they abandon their dreams and desires.

There will always be obstacles that pop up, however, regardless of the obstacle, what is most important is how you choose to see it. If you see it for what it is, just an obstacle, something that is only standing in the way, something that is just holding up progress, then that's fine. Ask for God's help to figure out what your next step will be.

You can be so determined to succeed that no matter what obstacle comes up, you are not going to be stopped in your endeavors. If you instead quit and throw in the towel, well, you've succumbed to an obstacle illusion.

One night many years ago, one of Thomas Edison's laboratories burned to the ground. The following morning, some of Mr. Edison's associates came to tell him about the fire. They were distraught and felt helpless. They told him how terrible it was, how that many of their experiments were lost, and they just didn't know what to do. His associates asked, "What should we do, Mr. Edison?"

Edison wanted to go take a look for himself.

It is reported that his laboratory at that time was worth over a million dollars, and he did not have insurance to cover the loss. After reviewing the damage, he turned to the men and said, "Let's clear it away and build a new laboratory."

Successful people don't quit and throw in the towel. No matter what obstacle you are faced with, don't focus on the obstacle, but instead look for the solution.

Stay focused and determined, and with God's help, there is no obstacle illusion that can stop you.

Do you want Guaranteed Results?? Try my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program, click below.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Friday, October 8, 2010

Exercise and Sleep

The amount of physical exercise that you exert during the day is one of the key ingredients to helping you get a good sleep at night. The more active your body is during the day, the more likely you are to relax at night and fall asleep faster.

With regular exercise you'll notice that your quality of sleep is improved and the transition between the cycles and phases of sleep will become smoother and more regular. By keeping up your physical activity during the day, you may find it easier to deal with the stress and worries of your life.

Research and studies indicate that there is a direct correlation between how much we exercise and how we feel afterwards. You should try and increase your physical activity during the day. The goal here is to give your body enough stimulation during the day so that you aren't full of energy at night.

Your body requires a certain amount of physical activity in order to keep functioning in a healthy manner. It is also important to note that you should not be exercising three or four hours before you go to bed.

The ideal exercise time is in the late afternoon or early evening. You want to make sure you expend your physical energy long before it is time for your body to rest and ready itself for sleep.

You should attempt to exercise at least three or four times a week for a period of 30 minutes or so. You can include walking or something simple. If you prefer, you can include strenuous activities such as running as well.

The goal here is to increase your heart rate and strengthen the capacity of your lungs. By adding a regular exercise activity to your daily schedule will help you to improve your overall health and help you emotionally as well. Along with running and walking there are several other physical activities that you can add to your daily life to increase your level of physical activity. If you are battling not sleeping, you'll find aerobic exercise to be the best.

Your goal with exercise is to increase the amount of oxygen that reaches your blood stream. Overall, there are many types of aerobic exercise for you to choose from. The activities include running, biking, using a treadmill, dancing, and jumping rope.

There are some non aerobic exercises that you may find beneficial to help you solve your insomnia problem.


Yoga is an exercise that has a stimulatory effect on your nervous system, especially the brain. Yoga utilizes breathing techniques and yoga postures to increase the blood circulation to the brain, promoting regular and restful sleeping patterns. The regular practice of yoga will help you to relax as well as relieve tension and stress.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient art of breathing and movement that was developed by the Chinese monks. The movements involved are slow and precise, which is ideal if you have joint pains or you are unable to participate in high aerobic exercises. Research has shown that Tai Chi can help with insomnia, a sleep disorder, by promoting relaxation.

If you discover that you don't have any time to exercise on a regular basis, you should try to sneak moments of activity into your schedule. Whenever possible, you should take the stairs instead of the elevator, as little things like that will do wonders for your body.

You should also park your car around the corner and walk that extra block or two to get to your destination. As you may know, there are many small things you can add to increase the activity in your life. Your overall goal here is to have a healthy and well balanced life - with plenty of sleep.

Do you want Guaranteed Results?? Try my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program, click below.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Janet's Working Hard!

What a great day to celebrate one of my clients. Janet has been working with me for several months and has completely blown me away with how much intensity she brings to the workout.

Janet has toned up her whole body since she started with me, but losing pounds is the only one of her achievements as she has been able to increase her endurance and strength at an astonishing rate.

I honestly can say that there are only a few people able to handle the intensity she works out at, including myself. Now that we have been able to build up her strength and endurance, the remaining pounds that she wants to lose will come flying off.

Keep up the great work Janet. I am so very proud of you!!!

Adam Freeman
Master Trainer
O2 Fitness Clubs

Why Most People Fail To Get Fit

Most people fail at fitness programs because they don't plan to succeed. Designing a fitness program is easier than you think. If you don't set clear goals and end up doing the wrong thing it leads to poor results, discouragement and abandonment of the fitness program.

The fundamental structure of a good fitness program.

  1. Complete a fitness assessment
  2. Decide your goals
  3. Fit your goals to your body type of exercise personality
  4. Plan your program
  5. Educate yourself on correct technique and progressions
  6. Add accountability
  7. Schedule your exercise sessions

Start With Your Goals

Setting realistic fitness goals gets your brain engaged in your actions and acts as a reality check. For instance, if you set goals that are inappropriate to your body type, you will only end up disappointed. Set time lines on your goals.

Making your goals specific, in terms of time and frequency also helps to schedule in your fitness program. We all know the biggest excuse for not exercising is not having enough time, and we all know how difficult it is to get started. Having a clear set of goals, from which you can define a detailed action plan really helps get your on your way.

Customize Your Program To Your Body Type

There are three body types, each of which has definite impact on your fitness program goals:

Ectomorphs - tend to be thin and generally don't have to worry about weight or body fat but do find it more difficult to build lean muscle mass. Your fitness program needs to concentrate on keeping a good fat cover and building strength in the spine and joints, which are not supported by muscle structure. Avoid aiming for too much flexibility - as your joints are not sufficiently supported to prevent inappropriate movement.

Mesomorphs - regarded as the performance physique, being athletic and strong. Mesomorphs find it easy to develop toned muscle, but do tend to gain weight easily. They can also lose weight faster to reveal good muscle below, so your fitness program needs to balance cardio, strength and flexibility.

Endomorphs - are the true power athletes with stout and shapely bodies. The endomorphs natural strength is in danger of injury from over performing. This leads to damage to joints and muscle, including heart muscle. A good program for endomorphs is to focus on cardio and joint flexibility and strength.

Select Your Exercise Types

  • Aerobic or Cardiac Exercise - short intense bursts [75% max], followed by slower recovery intervals to stimulate growth hormone, strengthen the heart and improve lung capacity.
  • Anaerobic Exercise - more focused on strength, endurance and flexibility. A slow and steady pace increases muscle endurance and oxygen utilization.
  • Stretching Exercises - builds strength and flexibility
  • Strength - weight training with hand weights or machines to build muscle
  • Balance - to assist overall movement
  • Sports Specific - exercises that build strength, balance and flexibility for a specific action such as a golf swing.
  • Breathing -learning to breathe correctly optimises oxygen intake and focuses the mind.

Match Your Exercise Type To Your Fitness Personality

You are more likely to stick with an exercise you enjoy, especially when starting out. In each category of exercise you can choose options that are indoors, or outside, alone or with company.

Schedule Your Workouts

Whatever your choice, the key element of a well designed exercise plan is to incorporate a range of muscle building and cardiac exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 times per week. Start out with exercise that maintains your heart rate at this level for 20 continuous minutes at least three time a week. Progress by increasing to :

  • 4 sessions a week.
  • 30 mins per session
  • 5 sessions a week.
  • 45 mins per session

Then replace some sessions with other exercise types for a balanced fitness program

Basic Workout Session Structure

  1. Warm up - light exercise for 5 minutes
  2. Stretch - muscle groups you will use during the workout
  3. Workout - Start light, ease into hard work. Resist the temptation to do more than you can. Take time to master the correct form. Use weights with which you can complete, with good form, three sets of 12 to 15 reps.
  4. Stretch - muscle groups used
  5. Cool down - 5-10 minutes of total body light intensity exercise to help prevent build up of toxins in the muscles and give the body time to return to normal functioning.
  6. Recovery - Hydrate and feed the muscles depending upon the intensity of the workout. Avoid hot showers until your body temperature is back in a normal range.

Avoid Over training. Muscles need rest between workouts. Overworking puts pressure on the joints resulting in injury and a reduction in performance. Don't jump straight into a hot shower after vigorous exercise. Managing Progress by measuring results regularly and revise your plan.

Our next article will cover Advanced Fitness Training Techniques, or you can find more information in our Anti aging Bodybuilding section.

And remember, fitness is a long term proposition not a short term endeavor.

Do you want Guaranteed Results?? Try my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program, click below.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What Supplements Should I Take?

Everywhere you look and hear, people in the fitness industry are talking about what will make you bigger, stronger, faster or thinner, leaner and less sore, and you as the consumer wants a magic pill that will do all those things. Well I hate to be the guy that tells you…there are no magic pills! The goal of this article is to simplify the abundant amount of information to a very simple and easy to understand cheat sheet.

I am a firm believer that I practice what I preach and I would never recommend something to a client that I would not put in my system.

So here is the list, in order of importance!

1. Take a multi-vitamin! I don’t care if you think you are the best eater in the world and have things measured out to the T. I guarantee you there is always a margin of error. Why not just take a simple pill that will guarantee your success. They are inexpensive and a necessity. (1-2/day depending on the labeling)

2. Omega-3’s are #2 on the list. Everyone should be taking this simple supplement. I know you are going to say it comes back up and has a “fishy” taste, which is why you do not want to take them. Put them in the refrigerator and then take them. Keeping them cold reduces the reflux and keeps the after taste down. Not only is it great for your heart and circulatory system, is has some other tremendous benefits. It is categorized as a Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) which helps in the breakdown of fat mass (yes, I said FAT Mass), acts as a anti-inflammatory for pain or discomfort, decrease depression levels = happier people, helps post-partum depression, and decreases type II diabetes levels. If those aren’t enough to take the supplement, I don’t know what would be. (6g/day, getting close to 2g/day of each DHA and EPA)

3. The protein controversy. How much? What kind? How often? How much depends on the person, but I would say a general rule would be between 50-100% of you body weight in grams /day. Why such a big percentage? The greater the percentage the more lean mass you will be able to produce, the lower percentage is just for essential intake. What kind depends on the time of day. As a supplement, whey has been proven to be the best for short periods of time. Meaning it will be the fastest to be absorbed and last about 3 hours. So it would be best taken pre or post workout. Casein is slow to digest and lasts about 7 hours, which would be good before bed or as a meal replacement. As always, getting your protein intake is always best through food rather than supplementation. The benefit for the supplement form is you know exactly what you are getting, no more no less. I like the idea of 5-6 small-portioned meals/day. A perfect portion would be the size of your hand. The protein makes up the palm and the vegetables and carbohydrates make up the fingers and open space.

Other than those listed above, most other supplements are a waste for the average person just looking to get in shape and live your best life. If you are an athlete, Creatine is effective, safe and proven for results. Remember we produce Creatine naturally within our bodies. The supplement is to aid in the abundance of it, which will help provide our muscles with added energy.

Even though caffeine is proven to be effective, I DO NOT like it. Anyone that has taken an abundant amount of caffeine is playing with fire. It takes you up on a high and drops you down like a roller coaster. I just assume save the fun for the theme parks. It is proven to be safe, so if you do choose to take it, please be very safe and aware of the labeling so you do not take more than the recommended dosage.
I hope this article does more to clear up the confusion then add more.

Do you want Guaranteed Results?? Try my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program, click below.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why Your Diet May Not Be Working

Let's say you've been ready to lose some weight and you have become a stickler for portion control. You are eating less than ever and you're exercising for an hour at a time at least four days a week. Yet, you haven't lost a single pound. The question is, Why?

This is a dilemma which affects dieters the world over. They think they are taking the steps necessary to lose weight, but nothing seems to be happening. In essence, they are trapped in a dieting rut and they don't know how to free themselves. As a result, they become frustrated and depressed and may then engage in binge eating.

One of the problems with diets is that they are often standardized. As a result, they don't take into consideration your individual physiology and metabolism. They provide a cookie-cutter approach to weight loss, an approach which may not work in your individual case. As a result, an increasing number of people are turning to dietitians to formulate a person weight loss strategy for them. This process has been made easier through the Internet, where you can correspond with a dietitian any time of the day or night via e-mail. The dietitian can also act as your personal coach, helping you through your dieting dilemmas.

Another reason that you may be failing at your diet is because of a lack of support. You may have family members who can eat whatever they want and seemingly not gain a pound. As a result, they may fill your refrigerator with junk food, leading you into temptation. Also, you may feel as if you have no one to turn to in order to discuss your weight problems. In order to solve this problem, many individuals look to psychotherapists to help them with their food-related issues. This can be particularly important if an individual has turned to purging in an effort to combat their weight problems. Bulimia is a serious disease which must be treated in order to ensure the good health of the patient. Thankfully, there are a number of treatment programs throughout the U.S. specifically focusing on bulimia.

Yet another reason for diet failure is hidden calories. You may literally be consuming calories and not even realize it. For instance, the frappuccinos that are so popular today are loaded with calories, as many as 600 in a single serving! You may also be indulging in sugary sodas, another source of extra calories. By taking a few simple steps, such as eliminating the exotic coffee drinks from your diet and substituting skim milk for whole milk, you may be able to eliminate the hidden calories that are denying you dieting success.

Lack of consistency can also be a diet-killer. You might go on a diet for a while, then quit before you've made any measurable progress. It's only natural to want to see quick results. The problem is that healthy weight loss involves losing only a couple of pounds a week. That means you'll have to stay on your diet for months before you see appreciable weight loss. Discouraging? It can be, but if you keep a positive attitude you can achieve your ideal weight.

You may also be more successful in your dieting if you consider it to be a lifestyle change. Therefore, your diet becomes a meal plan for life. This means that you must change the way you look at food. It is designed to be fuel for your body, and nothing more. As a result, you should not turn to food to make you feel better or to provide you with a sense of comfort. A lifestyle change implies commitment; it means that you are prepared to follow the plan for the long haul. If you feel as if you cannot be on your diet for any appreciable length of time, perhaps it's time to consider a different diet. Your aim ultimately should be not simply to lose weight, but to become healthier. A fad diet will not allow you to reach that milestone. Therefore, you must choose your diet carefully.

Do you want Guaranteed Results?? Try my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program, click below.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Monday, October 4, 2010

Aerobic -vs- Anaerobic

Typically, people will associate running, biking, swimming, walking, dancing and other similar activities as aerobic. On the flip side, they refer to any weightlifting exercise as being anaerobic. While this is true for the most part, what many people don't understand is that these very same activities can fall into each exercise category. What? How can that be? Well, let me explain.

Whether a particular exercise is aerobic or anaerobic is dependent on the intensity of the exercise. To use running as an example, if you were out on the road jogging at your usual rate and doing this for your usual 30-45 minutes, you would be doing an aerobic exercise. On the other, if you went out running sprints with the world record holder of the 200 meter dash, you will in all likelihood find yourself engaged in what could now be called an anaerobic exercise. You also will find it is somewhat physically more uncomfortable to do this type of exercise (this would be the understatement of the year). With anaerobic exercise (anaerobic means "without oxygen), you are out of breath within a very short period of time and you are unable to sustain the activity for more that a brief interval. In contrast, an aerobic exercise is one which increases heart rate and breathing, but no so much that you can't keep going on with what you are doing for upwards to an hour or more. Likewise, there are some "anaerobic" exercises that can be turned into aerobic exercises by decreasing the intensity level and performing the exercise over a sustained period of time.

As you can see, running, biking, swimming, and the other activities mentioned above are all great aerobic activities and will lead to better fitness. I hope you also can see that these same activities can quickly be turned into anaerobic exercises by simply increasing the intensity. Keep in mind that if you are doing any kind of high intensity form of exercise, pay careful attention to what your body is telling you and by all means, get a physical before you engage in any kind of training like this.

Do you want Guaranteed Results?? Try my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program, click below.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Congratulations Mom and Steve!

Today was an awesome day for two special people in my life.

The Susan G. Komen race was in Charlotte, NC this morning and my Mom who walks in the race every single year decided to start off running it this time around. She said, "I figured I would just start out running the first mile and then I would walk the rest." After she reached the one mile mark, she said she felt pretty good and thought she would continue running just another half mile. But, as she approached the second mile mark, she was thrilled and felt so amazing that she would continue and finish up running the rest of the race. She even took on the intense hill at the end of the race and didn't stop running all the way through.

We are so proud of you Mom!

On another great note, Steve Purvis, a great friend of mine who I played college baseball with at Louisburg College has been motivated to lose some weight. He has been using my Online Fitness Program and has lost 40 pounds in the past couple months along with losing 4 inches off his waist.

Steve has also been taking his training to another level and decided to train for a triathlon race that took place in Myrtle Beach this morning. Unfortunately as Steve prepared for the race this morning, the swim portion of the triathlon was canceled due to contamination of the water by the recent storms that hit the east coast.

Steve still put his best foot forward and ran/biked the race to it's entirety. Steve is such an inspiration to anyone who wants to get in shape and take on such an incredible challenge in such a short time. It doesn't matter who you are, if you have the heart and desire, you can move mountains.

Steve also wanted to share who inspired him that he can achieve any obstacle put in his way by wearing Kayleigh's bracelet during the race. Thank you Steve, that is awesome my friend!

Steve, we are also very proud of you and wish you the best of luck in your training with my fitness program.

Do you want Guaranteed Results?? Try my FREE 7 Day Trial online fitness program, click below.

Train Hard!

Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

Guide To Strong Core Exercises

Core exercises are just as important as the name implies - they workout the core of your body, which benefits the rest of your body as well. Your core area are the muscles around your trunk and pelvis. Good core stability means that the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips, and abdomen are all working together, which in turn makes it much easier to do a lot of things. For example, when you have good core strength, you will find it easier to play golf or tennis and even to tie your shoes! You will have better posture, and you greatly reduce your risks for lower back pains or injuring your muscles. Sadly, however, most people think they just need to do a few sit ups or crunches to work out their core, and by doing so, they severely neglect that muscle group. Fortunately, there are a lot of easy core exercises you can do - right from the comfort of your own home, if you like - to strengthen your core area.

First, there are the standard core exercises, the ones most of us learn to do in grade school. These include squats, push ups, sit ups, and crunches that target your abdominal area. If you are looking for some more intense core exercises, then first up is the bridge. To do this exercise, you need to lie on your back with your knees bent. It is very important to keep your back in a relaxed, sort of neutral position - no arching your spine or pressing your back into the floor! Next, tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your hips off of the floor so that they are aligned with your knees and your shoulders. Hold this position for three seconds (count them out: one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi), then slowly return to the starting position, and start all over again.

The second type of hardcore core exercises are segmental rotations. Again, begin by lying down with your back in a relaxed position and your knees bent. Tighten your abdominal muscles once more. This time, however, you are going to let your knees slowly fall to the left while keeping your shoulders on the floor. Do not stress yourself too much - only let your legs fall as far as is comfortable for you. When you are doing it right, you will feel the tension of the stretch but you will not experience pain. Hold for another three count, return to the starting position, and then repeat, this time lowering your legs to the right.

The last set of core exercises are quadrupeds. For this exercise, you begin on your hands and knees. Your hands should be directly below your shoulders and your head and neck should be aligned with your back. Start off by tightening your abdominal muscles, then lift your left arm off the floor and reach ahead. Hold for a three count, then lower your left arm and repeat the exercise using your right arm. Once you are back in the starting position, this time, you are going to raise your left leg off the floor. If you feel yourself falling off balance, just tighten the muscles in your trunk area. Hold for a three count, go back to the starting position, and do the same with your right leg.

Do these core exercises regularly, and you will be on your way to a strong, healthy core - not to mention some serious six-pack abs!

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Adam Freeman
Master Personal Trainer

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