Well, I can only say one thing that will make you feel only slightly better than the way you are currently feeling right now...."Your Not Alone."
So many people are feeling guilty right now because they promised themselves they wouldn't eat too much over the holidays only to prove their self control is weaker than they thought. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us!
Don't you wish you could weigh yourself like this...

but unfortunately your scale is telling you this...

Don't beat yourself to death! The best thing to do is put together a game plan on how you are going to overcome this obstacle and succeed at your goals.
FORGET MAKING A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION!!! All you are going to do is stress yourself out about it and set yourself up to fail, once again. You just stressed out about failing at "eating less" for the holidays and now you want to test your will again with new year's resolutions??? Forget it!!!
Just do it! Yeah, like Nike says! Just do it! Get off your tail and just go make it happen. Don't make a resolution and tell all your friends about what you are going to do. Just show determination, bust your tail and make it happen! Get a membership, get a trainer, get the results and show off your hot new bod!
Simple? YES! Don't hype it up. Don't tell the world. Don't promise anyone. Don't set a goal date. Don't do ANYTHING that is going to set you up for failure. Don't allow yourself to stress about it and just GO DO IT!
Happy Training!
Adam Freeman
Fitness Director/Personal Trainer
Well, I have to admit...that's a unique approach. I honestly have never heard anyone say "don't set a goal...don't tell anyone" etc."
I've WANTED to say this to people. I've WANTED to write on every one of my Fitness Friday posts, "How many ways can I tell you to eat right and exercise??????" But I always feel like I have to give the magical formula or right combination of words that will click for a certain individual.
But I think you may be right. It isn't about setting yourself up for failure. It's about getting off your butt and doing it.
Well done.
Thank you Adam. I just finished writing about "resolutions" and though I know what mine is going to be (or not..going to be..?) I have said not a word to anyone. It is mine-all mine.
I am a regular reader for a LONG time from Kaylee's site and now read Aimee's site daily. Looking for a "Brent" for my separated husband - advise or a prayer-to see us through and after 6+months of separation, hopefully back together.
You just lit the fire for me and for what the new year can bring with it. Thank you.
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